Disgrace to the referees
May both victory and championship like this go down to earth. Such a victory is very embarrassing for the winning team. If the Voska football team falls out of the league with this lost point, if we lose the

After the statement we shared about the stadium yesterday, the addressee of the subject called our club: ‘The state did not have the power to get me out of here, will you do it?’, ‘This year has passed. If

When we bought this club, we had great ideals and goals. We continue to walk on this path where we still have goals and ideals. However, some things stuck with us. The right of use of the stadium is

Grumbullimi i parë me 31 maj në Çair
Pas përfundimit të sezonit të rregullt, tani të gjithë futbollistët dhe stafi i trajnerëve janë në pushim. Por sikurse po kalojnë ditët, meqë ekipi ka rezervuar garat në ndeshjet kualifikuese të Ligës së Konferencës, shumë shpejt duhet ekipi të

We will observe the last delegations carefully
As we enter the last corner of the league, unfortunately, we see that there are strange referee assignments. From now on, we announce to the public that we will be a very close follower of every development. Everyone should

Goce Sedloski will be remembered as a champion coach in our team
You will always be remembered with respect and love in this club, Champion Coach. The doors of this Club are always open to you, we are grateful for the happiness you have given us.

We are taking a break for now with our Respected Coach , who made our team champion after 20 years and added many things to our club. After our meeting with Coach Goce , it is decided ` we

We present to the public what our club has been through since the beginning of the season
EXPLANATION GAMES HAVE BEEN PLAYED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON At the beginning of the year, we started with a very intense European adventure and returned from the doors of the European groups, very unfortunately. We started the

Dreams and Challenges: The Path to Greatness for FC Shkupi
Before starting a job, human beings dream about that job and we started this path with dreams about FC Shkupi. Our dreams are not small and we are walking towards these dreams step by step. I hope Allah c.c.